Gilbert François Duivesteijn
When your program is compiled for cartridge as ROM, you cannot change values of variables in this memory area. For example:
; ==[ Constants ]===============================================
ORGADR equ $4000
RomSize equ $4000
; ==[ Header ]==================================================
; Place header inside the binary.
; ROM header
db "AB"
dw Main
dw 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
; ==[ Program ]=================================================
; increase the value of MyVar
ld hl, MyVar ; Load the address of MyVar in HL
ld a, (hl) ; Load the value of MyVar in a
inc a ; Increase a
ld (hl), a ; Write the updated value in MyVar
; finish
db $00
; ==[ ROM Padding ]=============================================
ds $4000 + RomSize - ProgEnd, 255
Compile with VASM
$ vasmz80_oldstyle hello_screen2.asm -chklabels -nocase -Dvasm=1 -Fbin -L out.sym -o out.rom
or with Glass (you can choose)
$ java -jar Glass.jar hello_screen2.asm -L out.sym out.rom
This example won't work. The memory of MyVar lies inside the ROM. Let's look at the debugger and see what is happening. Pay special attention to memory location $4018
, where MyVar
is located.
In the section Memory layout
of the debugger, we can see that page 0 and 1 are reserved for the ROM:
Page | Address | Segment |
0 | 0000-3fff | R0/1 |
1 | 4000-7fff | R0/1 |
2 | 8000-bfff | - |
3 | c000-ffff | - |
address is $4000
and MyVar is located at $4018
. Since this is still in ROM area, the memory content is read-only. The solution is to store the variables or anything that needs to be manipulated in memory, in RAM area. Page 2 and 3 are RAM. There are several ways to do that in code. However, most methods are assembler specific. The standard syntax that works with all assembers is by simply specifying the address as constant, e.g:MyVarRam equ $c000
. The new listing is:
; ==[ Constants ]===============================================
ORGADR equ $4000
RomSize equ $4000
MyVarRam equ $c000
; ==[ Header ]==================================================
; Place header inside the binary.
; ROM header
db "AB"
dw Main
dw 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
; ==[ Program ]=================================================
; copy initial MyVar value to RAM.
; Assuming you have more variables,
; usr ldir for fast copy.
ld hl, MyVar ; source addr
ld de, MyVarRam ; destination addr
ld bc, 1 ; block size
ldir ; copy
; increase the value of MyVarRam
ld hl, MyVarRam
ld a, (hl)
inc a
ld (hl), a
db $00
; ==[ ROM Padding ]=============================================
ds $4000 + RomSize - ProgEnd, 255
First, we copy the initial values from ROM to RAM (when needed). Then we continue our original program, and can successfully change values in MyVarRam. You can see in the debugger that the increase of the value is successful.
When you have many variables, lists or other data, you can declare them as follows:
MyOneByteVarRam equ $c000
My10ByteListRam equ MyOneByteVar + 1
My2ByteVarRam equ My10ByteList + 10
MyEndRamBlock equ My2ByteVarRam + 2
TotalRamSize equ MyEndRamBlock - MyOneByteVarRam